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Relic is a stealth-horror game where the player must collect a series of relics dotted around a procedurally generated maze while avoiding the Ender man.

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The game is played in the first person perspective and is based around what appears to be a mansion with a series of hallways and staircases. The player must utilise their blink ability which allows them to see in the darkness, revealing the location of the items to them as they traverse the map.

While doing this project. I worked as both sound designer and sound implementer. I did the work in a 3 stage process, Reaper to edit the sounds, using Wwise as the middleware and then adding them into Unity, primarily through C# based scripting. One key skill I had to rely on was my ability to interpret code as to be able to fire off specific commands under certain conditions.


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Click on the orange play button

With this game being a horror. I wanted to go all out in the sound design. One of my proudest examples of this is the use of a pulsing bass sound when the player is getting chased. This was designed using Native Instruments Absynth 5.

Fun facts:​​

  • The scream that is heard when the monster finds you was recorded by myself screaming at the top of my lungs into a plastic bottle with the bottom cut out.

  • The tremolo strings were meant to cut out after the monster finds you, but it worked that well, we decided to keep it in.

  • Early drafts of this game was going to have the player going through a corn maze trying to evade a scarecrow.

Development Credits

Cuba Stanley (Programmer, level design, 3D artist)

Jadon Mullinex (Programmer, Level design)

All contributions made towards Shiba Dog Studios




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