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Zoom Quest is a puzzle point-and-click based game in which the player must complete the game by using an infinite zoom mechanic as well as a point and click system in a monochromatic setting filled with food.

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The game is shown through the perspective of a doctor who analyses peoples dreams when they can't sleep. One day a mother and child come in to the practice and exclaim that the child hasn't been able to sleep. The doctor, deciding to undertake the challenge starts to explore the dream being met with all sorts of food based atrocities and finally a gremlin than has been messing with the child's dreams. 

During this game jam, I acted purely as a sound designer while using the middlewear, Wwise. the programmer, Yori Kvitchko handled the implamentation side of the project. Most of the editing and recording was done inside Reaper. Small amounts of editing was done inside Wwise.

(Click on image to expand)

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Because of the nature of the game we decided on, I made a start early in making and editing sounds. Because of the obscurity of the game, I used my lack of understanding of the game to my advatntage in that I could go in having a totally blank canvas in my head, making way for some unique sound design.

One new method I tried for this game jam was to create a day-by-day production log. I did this in order to keep track of any changes I'd made. Rather than using GitHubs restricted description text box, I created a table within Microsoft Word that allowed me to list exactly what change I had made as well as give a more in-depth explanation as to what the change was.

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Fun facts:​​

  • The low chuckles heard from the cupcakes were recorded by myself. I had a lot of fun recording them.

  • There is a very subtle Shepherd tone that can be heard under the music. (A Shepherd tone is an auditory illusion where a tone will sound like it ascends/descend forever)


    While creating the slurping sounds for the potion I was drinking a mint chocolate frappe from Costa.

  • While creating the burping sounds, I was drinking a 2 litre bottle of Sprite. The idea came to me after watching the no burping challenge.

Development Credits

Yori Kvitchko (programmer & designer)Twitter,

Anya Bogorad (Artist)Instagram, Itch.Io

Emma Price (Writer & Designer) -

KashdanMusic (Composer) - Twitter, Itch.Io



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